Extend the Lifespan of Your HVAC System with Regular Tune-Ups

Regular air conditioner tune-ups are an essential part of any comprehensive home maintenance plan. If you're looking to get the most out of your air conditioner, keeping up with maintenance visits is key. Making regular adjustments can help you enjoy a longer life of your cooling system. A well-manufactured, properly installed and maintained air conditioning system should last 12 to 17 years.

While this is true, there are things that homeowners can do to further extend the life of their system. If you want to increase the life expectancy of your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, be sure to use the tips and information listed here. Doing so will help you extend the life of your system for many more years. In the United States, the average lifespan of an air conditioning system is 14 years. Of course, systems can last much longer or die much sooner for a variety of reasons.

While your HVAC technician must check your filters during twice-yearly checkups, this task is really up to the homeowner. Most homeowners use disposable fiberglass filters for 30 days or pleated filters for 3 months, and these need to be checked regularly. If they are very dirty, they must be replaced, even ahead of schedule. Just because HVAC system replacement is expensive doesn't mean it has to be stressful. Make a plan now so you can anticipate this inevitable update and be able to effortlessly reset the clock for another 15 to 20 years.

Regular maintenance by an experienced HVAC professional is one of the best ways to extend the life of your system. The typical service includes a thorough review of the system, in which the technician will check for damaged or worn components, as well as a quick efficiency test. During this routine inspection, the technician can identify problem areas and repair them before they cause more serious problems. No one wants to be left without a functioning HVAC system, especially on a hot summer day in Mesquite, so keeping up with maintenance can reduce the risk of this happening. While your HVAC contractor must check your filters during their regular visits, the rest of the year this task is basically up to you.

Even if it's ahead of schedule, HVAC filters should be replaced if they're very dirty, both for the sake of your HVAC system and for your own. Adjustments usually include thorough inspection and lubrication of all moving parts, cleaning the condenser, eliminating condensate drain pipe build-up, checking coolant levels, replacing filters, checking if the heat exchanger is cracked, and other tasks that make the system safer, more efficient, and more durable. In addition to extending the life of your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, with a smart thermostat you can also save 10 to 12 percent on heating costs and up to 15 percent on cooling costs. The air conditioner and boiler must be inspected, cleaned and adjusted at least once a year. While your HVAC technician is likely to check your system's filters during their regular visits, this is a task that's really up to you. When it comes to extending the lifespan of your HVAC system, regular tune-ups are essential.

Not only do they help identify potential problems before they become serious issues but they also help keep your system running efficiently and safely. With proper maintenance and care from an experienced HVAC professional, you can ensure that your air conditioner will last for many years.

Maribel Lapila
Maribel Lapila

Evil travel junkie. Typical pop culture scholar. Hipster-friendly zombie scholar. Avid social media specialist. Hipster-friendly beer buff. Music advocate.